"The Temple of the Young Forest" - Municipality of Ilion

"The Temple of the Young Forest" - Municipality of Ilion

We have already organized and realized one of the most successful performances in Athens, dedicated to the Saolin Spirit and way of living. In cooperation with the Municipality of Ilion and the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Athens, we tried our best to offer a unique and spectacular event.

In the performance, our own Li Wang Christidis was the narrator for the Chinese part of the play. Our event was honored by the presence of many distinguished persons, such as the Cultural Attache of the Embassy of the P.R. of China in Athens Mrs. Zhou Meifen, the Mayor of the Municipality, the former Ambassador of the Embassy of the Hellenic Republic in Beijing Mr. Dokianos, Mrs. Koroneou from the Ministry of Tourism and many more.

In the photo Mrs. Zhou (center) and our President (right) and Mrs. Brenda Wang (left). Also infront Mrs. Christina Karamanlis.


A part of the performance you can watch in youtube video:

Narrators: For Greek language: Grigoris Valtinos

For Chinese language: Brenda Wang






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