Αρχείο άρθρων

Discovering soul-touching stories in China - a German writer's perspective

2017-10-21 13:33
by Xinhua writers He Fei, Ma Qian, Deng Xianlai BEIJING, Oct. 15 (Xinhua) -- With its long history, China has always been a treasure trove of soul-touching sagas of epic proportions. The intercultural love story of a Jewish young man and a Chinese woman in war-torn Shanghai during World War II is...

The Chinese dream is the dream of the world

2017-10-21 13:12
by Xinhua writer Sudeshna Sarkar BEIJING, Oct. 14 (Xinhua) -- If anyone had told Bright Eric Ohene that a major part of his work as a heart surgeon would be picking up cigarette butts in China, the Ghanaian would have thought they were joking. But in the nearly one year that he has been living in...

Young Israeli entrepreneur finds his future in China

2017-10-21 12:58
by Xinhua writers Ma Qian, Deng Xianlai BEIJING, Oct. 14 (Xinhua) -- Raz Gal Or had traded in his usual jeans and T-shirt for something more arresting. He wore a flowing robe in deep blue while on his head was perched a tall white hat. Instead of the fourth-year Peking University (PKU)...

Θιβέτ: Άρχισε το ετήσιο Φεστιβάλ Shoton / Tibet: The annual Shoton Festival started

2017-09-19 17:28
Επιμέλεια: Μαίρη Κάντα / Editor: Mary Kanta Το ετήσιο παραδοσιακό φεστιβάλ  Shoton, εγκαίνιασε η πόλη της Λάσα, πρωτεύουσα της Αυτόνομης Περιφέρειας του Θιβέτ στην νοτιοδυτική Κίνα.Το φεστιβάλ ξεκίνησε από το μοναστήρι Ντρεπούνγκ, με την παρουσίαση μίας τεράστιας μεταξοτυπίας με τη μορφή...

Κίνα: Τέλος η ανώνυμη διαδικτυακή δραστηριότητα / China: End the anonymous online activity

2017-09-19 17:21
Eπιμέλεια: Μαίρη Κάντα / Editor: Mary Kanta Η Κίνα θέτει αυστηρότερα μέτρα, με στόχο τον έλεγχο της διαδικτυακής δραστηριότητας των πολιτών. Οι χρήστες του internet στη χώρα για να δημοσιεύσουν online σχόλια θα πρέπει να καταχωρούν το πραγματικό τους όνομα. Θα μπορούν, βέβαια, να έχουν...

Europe's economic recovery stumbles despite encouraging signs

2017-09-17 06:38
   by Shen Zhonghao     FRANKFURT, Sept. 12 (Xinhua) -- Given positive economic data over the past year or so, Europe is recovering from the worst financial crisis in decades.     However, despite encouraging signs that have become increasingly visible since...

European welfare states, a glory fading away

2017-09-17 06:36
   HELSINKI, Sept. 12 (Xinhua) -- Europe was once proud of its welfare states, especially those in western and northern Europe. However, sluggish economic growth has trapped the governments in a financial dilemma.     Extravagant spending has now become a heavy burden...

Terrorist attacks are plaguing Europe like cancer

2017-09-17 06:34
by Xinhua writers Huang Yong, Zhai Wei, Tian Dongdong     BRUSSELS, Sept. 11 (Xinhua) -- Known as the Heart of Europe, Brussels easily captures the heart of newcomers with its thousands of hectares of green spaces and neoclassical style buildings.     But heavily...

Bizarre political phenomena cast shadows over European democratic system

2017-09-17 06:30
  by Zheng Jianghua, Huang Yong     BURSSELS, Sept. 10 (Xinhua) -- Democratic political system, in Europe above all, has long been deemed as a sacred cow. However, its shining image has been in heavy shadow cast by bizarre political phenomena popping up in Europe's most...


2017-06-30 17:10
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